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What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything

Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.

They sicken of the calm that know the storm.

The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.

You're so goddamned concerned about the civilians, and I don't give a damn. to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on civilian casualties in Vietnam

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living

Life is not anything, but an opportunity for something.

Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want.

An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that somthing is already so.

The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides. Accept life, and you must accept regret.

Let every man look before he leaps.

It is not true that equality is a law of nature. Nature has no equality. Its soverign law is subordination and dependence.

On her first meeting with he ex-husband, Steven Seagal He reminded me of an alien.

Beauty is not defined by the masses but by the opinion of the individual.

One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down.

The statesman's duty is to bridge the gap between his nation's experience and his vision.

What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes

Meditation has been defined as the cessation of active eternal thought.

Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.

Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.