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Dollar bills I had the runs and went to use the public washroom.
I just finished when I realized there was no Toilet paper.
The only paper around was the 10 dollar bill I had on me.
It was an expensive crap Life Expereinces Category S**T Happens

Crapday I crapped my pants sitting in rush hour traffic. It really sucked walking into work then telling them I wasn't feeling well and waddeling out. Life Expereinces Category S**T Happens

Boss Sucks My boss keep hinting me that some of our competitors are hiring people. He brought it up several times. Life Expereinces Category My Work

Car following me I was driving along an unlit road last week, when a car pulled up really close behind me. I gave him the finger and then went from side to side in the lane so he could get the hint. It turned out to be a cop car and he pulled me over for reckless driving. Life Expereinces Category S**T Happens

Hot Guy I check out this hot guy everyday at my work. Never talked to him. I was talking to a friend I hadn't seen in a while, I told him where I worked and he said he had a good friend that worked there also. Then he told me how his friend always laughs about this disparate girl at his work. The girl is probably me. Life Expereinces Category Romance Relationships

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